To read all of the new things that are happening at St. Margaret's House, View Our Latest Newsletter Here!
Men’s Group with Father Nick
Fr. Nick Smith will lead a new men’s group beginning on January 15th at 10:30 am. Meant to be a time of fellowship and exploration, Nick would like to beginContinue reading →
Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist - Wednesdays at Noon In-Person and Zoom Worship Services - All Welcome! Zoom.us ID: 842 3057 0175 Passcode: SMH
Wednesday Lunch
Please join us for lunch, which includes main + veggies, salad, and dessert - All Welcome! Please make a reservation by the Friday before 315-724-2324 or info@stmargaretshouseny.org. Suggested donation $13Continue reading →
Beginner Sewing Class with Debbie Skinner | Feb 10th, 9:30 to 2 PM
Do you have an interest in learning how to sew, but don’t want to make quilts? Do you have a sewing machine sitting around waiting for you? Does your sewingContinue reading →
Friends of Emmaus House
St. Margaret's 47 Jordan Road, New Hartford, NY, United StatesFriends of Emmaus House is a group of volunteers who provide support to help meet the needs of the house & guests. We meet 2nd Wednesdays at 10 am atContinue reading →
Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist - Wednesdays at Noon In-Person and Zoom Worship Services - All Welcome! Zoom.us ID: 842 3057 0175 Passcode: SMH
Wednesday Lunch
Please join us for lunch, which includes main + veggies, salad, and dessert - All Welcome! Please make a reservation by the Friday before 315-724-2324 or info@stmargaretshouseny.org. Suggested donation $13Continue reading →
Conversations with Father John LaVoe | 2nd Wednesdays at 1:30 PM
Join us for conversations about faith hosted by Father John LaVoe.
Men’s Group with Father Nick
Fr. Nick Smith will lead a new men’s group beginning on January 15th at 10:30 am. Meant to be a time of fellowship and exploration, Nick would like to beginContinue reading →
Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist - Wednesdays at Noon In-Person and Zoom Worship Services - All Welcome! Zoom.us ID: 842 3057 0175 Passcode: SMH
Wednesday Lunch
Please join us for lunch, which includes main + veggies, salad, and dessert - All Welcome! Please make a reservation by the Friday before 315-724-2324 or info@stmargaretshouseny.org. Suggested donation $13Continue reading →
Cancelled: Come Make a Joyful Noise Ceilidh | February 20th at 2:00 PM
Come and enjoy music and songs by friends of St. Margaret’s House from 2:00pm to 3:30pm! Seasonal refreshments and time for wonderful conversations included.