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To read all of the new things that are happening at St. Margaret's House, View Our Latest Newsletter Here!
A Centering Prayer Retreat – November 7th to 10th
St. Margaret's 47 Jordan Road, New HartfordThe retreat will be a time of learning and practice. It is a silent retreat time from after dinner on Tuesday evening through Friday lunch. During meals and times withContinue reading →
The Journey: Shepherding God’s People (For: Clergy, Lay Pastors, Mission Teams, Women and Men’s Groups, Activity Directors, Spiritual Coordinators, Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplains, and Senior Housing Personnel)
St. Margaret's 47 Jordan Road, New HartfordYou are invited to learn more about “THE JOURNEY-SHEPHERDING GOD’S PEOPLE” (thejourneyvideo.com) a video and bible study series that is fully funded through the generosity of St. Joseph’s Pastoral Care,Continue reading →